Do you want to help the development of this game? Get the latest snapshot release of the game and test new features!
If you want to access the new snapshot of Sticky Paws, you first have to own the game on Steam.
Most Snapshots will be available first on Windows, so please get the Windows version if you can.
When you have Sticky Paws in your Steam Library, right click on Sticky Paws and select "Properties"
A new window should pop up. Click on the "Betas" tab, then beside "Beta Participation" you want to select "beta - Public beta branch" to participate in the Snapshot.
NOTE: If the Betas tab or "Public beta branch" doesn't show up, then just install the game normally.
It just means that the public beta branch has been disabled, if there aren't any other beta versions of the game currently and the stable version is the latest.
After setting so you are participating in the snapshot version, you then want to re-install the game, and then you can play the latest snapshot version of Sticky Paws!
If you want updates even more often than public snapshots on Steam, you can also visit the GitHub page for Sticky Paws here:
Click the "Code" button, then click "Download ZIP". You can then play the latest version on Windows, Mac, or Linux, depending on which version of GameMaker you download.
The game is being created in GameMaker Studio 2, so you will have to download that here if you want to play the latest GitHub version:
Sticky Paws is being developed in the GameMaker beta, as it uses new features not found in the stable version, so make sure you download the beta for the best compatibility
Here is a link to the Sticky Paws Changelog, if you are interested in what has been added and changed:
I will try to update the changelog regularly as I'm developing the game.
If you find any bugs or have any feedback for Sticky Paws, then please let us know by filling in this form explaining the bug or feedback, so we can fix the issues!
Sticky Paws Bugs and Feedback form: